sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

Thesis statement. Unit 8.

Even though teachers can teach values at school, parents has the responsability of their children's education.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

A must this season: olive drab trousers.

As I said in previous posts I'm really into fashion. Last week, when it still was heat, I decided to wear this look: olive drab trousers matched with a white shirt with transparencies in its sleeves. These trousers will be a must this season and wearing white shirts is always a wise choice Also, I wore some accesories: a belt, which colour was gold, and a modest bracelet. I chose brown sandals which suits perfectly with the look. Furthermore, the shoes had some details in colour gold. Currently, as the winter has arrived, I can also dress this outfit. However, I will choose another shoes, like black boots, and, for sure, I'll take a leather jacket or a green coat to avoid freeze me!

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Problem/Solution. Unit 7

Last week we started Unit 7 and it is about writting paragraphs of problems and solutions.

Drought is a big problem in our city, Murcia. The lack of water produces the death of lots of products from our region: tomatoes, oranges, lemons, among others. Moreover, it also affects to all the farmers who live from agriculture. Murcia is the second place more desert in all the earth after the Sahara's desert; this drought promoted by the desert climate and the lack of rains contribute to deteriorate more our economy.

Solutions for this problem are quite difficult to find due to the fact that we can't avoid the lack of rains. Nonetheless, each person is able to help reducing the amount of water consume by himself. For example, when we are brushing our teeth, instead of letting the water tap open we can close it until we finish. Likewise, when we are going to have a shower we should avoid wasting the cold water which goes before the hot water; we can use this cold water for other things like watering our plants.

We have to take care of the environment and, by the same token, we should try to avoid the useless waste of water. Doing this things we can contribute to make a better world.