viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Outlining and essay. Unit 9

I. War and violent video games are tremendously dangerous. It affects people who usually play them and it would be necessary to have a bigger control on them.

II.  The theme could affect negatively people’s behaviour.

A. Real cases.
B. Effects in children. 

III. They don't teach any useful values. 

A. Values taught.
1. Violence.
2. Anger.

IV.  In order to avoid the negative effects in people’s behavior of these video games it is necessary to have more control on these ones.


Comparison/Contrast Paragraphs. Unit 6.

Both beach and mountain are good places for going on holiday. In these places you can enjoy fresh air and have a good a time with your friends. Likewise, you can be in contact with the nature what is something marvellous if you want to relax and forget daily life. Many activities can be done: hiking, swimming, cycling... You can train yourself if you are going for a marathon, or if you want to do some sport.

However, there are some marked differences. Mountain is usually colder than beach is. In the beach you can play with the sand, enjoy the water and a sunny day. In contrast, in the mountain you can go hiking or going for a walk in a different atmosphere: surrounded by trees and plants. 

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Introduction/Conclusion. Unit 10.

Introduction: Currently, less and less people are getting married, according to a recent research done by Northwestern's University. Moreover, it explains that the rate of divorces is growing. However, it also says that married couples are more united than they were in the past. Society has changed and also its mentality with regard to the marriage. Nowadays, many people claim that it is something antiquated.

Conclusion: To summarize, the mentality of society has changed more than what we might thing compared to the existing fifty years ago. Hence, less people are getting married and more are divorcing. Even though many people says it is something antiquated, for me, it is a beautiful tradition which should be kept.

For and against. Unit 6.

In those pictures I show my reasons and my beliefs with regard to some aspects and issues which were discussed in class.

Gun ownership.                      

Globalization and changing your name.


Theatre is one of my passions. Not acting, but going to the theatre and watch a comedia or a drama or whatever is something I really enjoy.

Last week I went to the theatre, and I saw a play called: "TOC TOC". It was about a a psychologist who has a medical consulation. There, all the patients are waiting to the doctor. Nonetheless, nobody appears, only the secretary who told the patients that the psycho had had some complications. During the delay, they began to tell each other their problems and thoughts. 

This play was a comedia and it was really funny: all the auditorium was laughing and clapping without stopping. As all the plays, it has a moral. In this case was: not to be only concentrated on yourself and think about the rest. Avoid being selfish. 

Finally, I have to say that dispite this crisis, we have to support the art. It doesn't matter if it's the music, the theatre or painting. It is wonderful to see people acting in a scenery, trying to make many people happy with their job.

Transitions. Unit 11.

In the previous class we learnt about the importance of the use of connectors and words for transitions.

Here, I have posted a picture which shows an exercise we did last week. In fact, we had to write as many connectors as we though.

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

Thesis statement. Unit 8.

Even though teachers can teach values at school, parents has the responsability of their children's education.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

A must this season: olive drab trousers.

As I said in previous posts I'm really into fashion. Last week, when it still was heat, I decided to wear this look: olive drab trousers matched with a white shirt with transparencies in its sleeves. These trousers will be a must this season and wearing white shirts is always a wise choice Also, I wore some accesories: a belt, which colour was gold, and a modest bracelet. I chose brown sandals which suits perfectly with the look. Furthermore, the shoes had some details in colour gold. Currently, as the winter has arrived, I can also dress this outfit. However, I will choose another shoes, like black boots, and, for sure, I'll take a leather jacket or a green coat to avoid freeze me!

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Problem/Solution. Unit 7

Last week we started Unit 7 and it is about writting paragraphs of problems and solutions.

Drought is a big problem in our city, Murcia. The lack of water produces the death of lots of products from our region: tomatoes, oranges, lemons, among others. Moreover, it also affects to all the farmers who live from agriculture. Murcia is the second place more desert in all the earth after the Sahara's desert; this drought promoted by the desert climate and the lack of rains contribute to deteriorate more our economy.

Solutions for this problem are quite difficult to find due to the fact that we can't avoid the lack of rains. Nonetheless, each person is able to help reducing the amount of water consume by himself. For example, when we are brushing our teeth, instead of letting the water tap open we can close it until we finish. Likewise, when we are going to have a shower we should avoid wasting the cold water which goes before the hot water; we can use this cold water for other things like watering our plants.

We have to take care of the environment and, by the same token, we should try to avoid the useless waste of water. Doing this things we can contribute to make a better world.

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

Inferno. Recommended novel.

In class we were asked to write an opinion about something. In my case, I will write about a novel that captivated me.

What would happen if a contagious virus would expand all over the world and you ,in a race against time, try to avoid it? Well, I'm not talking about ebola but it could be. In fact, I'm talking about the wonderful book written by Dan Brown so-called Inferno. 

Robert Langdon (the main character) lives in USA and, one day, he woke up in Firenze. He doesn't know what has happened in his life and he isn't able to remember anything. Accompanied by a nurse, called Sienna Brooks, he starts a race trying to understand what has happend. Soon, he realize that he is porting a weird object created by a scientific. This person is a genious obsessed with the end of the world and, through a series of codes implemented in Dante Alighieri's masterpiece, Inferno, he will try to avoid the expand of a virus and the end of the world.

The scenerys are marvellous, Dan Brown explains with all detail the Duomo or the Palazzo Vecchio, hence, you feel you are inside the book, and you' re running through Firenze, smelling pasta and ice-creams.

This is an entertaining and controversial book which ask questions related to science in our future. If you get a chance to read it, don't miss it!

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

My favorite place.

There are many places that are special for me, such as the beach or my bedroom, however, my favourite one is the mountain, specially during the winter.
For some years I have been going to Sierra Nevada in order to do skiing, which is a sport I'm very keen on. Despite of the cold and the skiing's equipment (which is quite uncomfortable), it is a terrific place. Being at the mountain, all cover by snow, and doing my favourite sport makes me feel energetic, satisfied and happy, and at the same time, relaxed. I am able to forget real life for a couple of hours. It is all white and there are lots of people with colourful clothes and hats, and all together creates a picturesque scenery. Even though I can't go whenever I want, the mountain is a very special place for me.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

What do I wear?

To begin with, I would like to say that I am a very fashion-concious person, I am always surfing in the web looking at the latest fashion. Yesterday I went out and I decided to wear this look: it is composed by a midi black skirt, a white shirt, a big clutch and heel shoes. I added some jewels: a big black necklace with some stones in blue, some bracelets also in blue and black earrings. I really like to know what it is going to be worn in the next seasons and it isn't necessary to spend lots of money if you want to wear nice and elegant. However, the most important thing is to wear as you are, feeling comfortable with the clothes you put on.

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014


This week we had been working in class 'the brainstorming'. We'd seen some quotes from famous writers trying to help us writting, furthermore, we did those exercises in class.

Making a list

Free writing


Little introduction

Hi! I'm Alba Pérez and this is my blog for the subject ''Prácticas de redacción 2014''. I'll try to write in this little world many thing related with issues that I'm keen on and also I'll post exercises from class. This is not my first time in a blog because when I was 13 years old I made another one! But, of course, the former one was completely different!
I hope you enjoy this blog.